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Average Prices: 9-32 €

Without history and traditions we would not have today in which we create tomorrow. Chedi is a contemporary treatment of Asian food culture. Contrasts, combination of tastes and mixture different raw materials are where the contemporary Asian cuisine is heading at. Our location in Tallinn Old Town is a symbolic bow to the living history and the ever-changing life.

Being together and sharing food is a deeply Asian tradition. A possibility of common enjoyment is what we are offering you. Welcome to Chedi.

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Open Hours
Sunday   13.00  - 22.00
Monday   12.00  - 23.00
Tuesday   12.00  - 23.00
Wednesday   12.00  - 23.00
Thursday   12.00  - 23.00
Friday   12.00  - 24.00
Saturday   12.00  - 24.00